We used envelopes for the representation of metadata, as its the information about data. For example the authors ID number, date created, date modified and file size. Like envelopes, it doesn’t contain data like the actual messages, but everything that surrounds it. For photo gallery we opted for a self explanatory, mini photo album. A bottle of pills represents all of the Health Data that is being collected via health monitoring devices, fitness apps and companies like 23 and me. For Location we chose a box full of pins, symbolising all of the different geolocations. Spool of thread represents the never-ending browse history, and a receipt roll - shopping habits, usually collected by cookies and shop membership cards. We chose a padlock to represent the banking data. There’s also a fitting key with all of the remembered passwords. The box of interests contains all the likes, hearts, upvotes as well as the clicks on ads, as well as analysis of the engagement with the provided content.

people vs. data | in collaboration with Johannes Utri | under the guidance of Ross Dowd | NCAD x FJORD 2021